Fuck The South
Twenty-eight of the 52 intentional killings and 37 of the 80 accidental deaths took place in the South, by far the deadliest region.
Twenty-eight of the 52 intentional killings and 37 of the 80 accidental deaths took place in the South, by far the deadliest region.
The real debate is not who is going to win the election, but whether Bush will win 308 electoral votes or 474 electoral votes... The worst case scenario for a Bush victory will be a 2-3 point win in the popular vote and 10-20% more than the necessary 270 EC votes... George W. Bush has a better chance of carrying New Jersey and Vermont than Al Gore does of becoming the next President of the United States.... On Tuesday night the talking heads will all be abuzz with ... the surprising strength of Ralph Nader... We continue to see a landslide of over 400 electoral votes and a Bush win by 7-10 points."