The Quipper

Monday, November 08, 2004

Fuck The South

In addition to everything else they do wrong, they also kill more cops.:

Twenty-eight of the 52 intentional killings and 37 of the 80 accidental deaths took place in the South, by far the deadliest region.


Andrew, you rubbed your ass on TV (I know, it's not TV, it's HBO) on Friday. Still no explanation, and it's now Monday.

The Internet deserves nothing less than a full and honest explanation of the truth behind ASS-GATE. Andrew, you OWE it to your readers to explain.

Update: was CBS news behind a forgery of the video footage?

Second update: it's been 10 minutes and still no response from Andrew. I say, GUILTY!

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Now What?

Simply put, Democrats, STOP BEING PUSSIES.

Every one of you.

Don't mince words, call the president a liar.

Don't mince words, call the anti-gay movement bigoted.

And understand that you're a minority party in the house and senate. Don't just be "obstructionist", FIGHT THE MOTHERFUCKERS.

They won't put you on conference committees? Filibuster every motherfuckin' bill. Find every damn mistake they make and hold it up to the light. When they support things like "extraordinary rendition", call it ANTI-AMERICAN. Because IT IS.

And grassroots folks -- time to get working. Time to talk to your neighbors about what's wrong with today's republican party, because it's got real problems and it's causing real problems for America.

No Retreat, No Surrender

Excellent choice of campaign theme songs, Senator Kerry. Tonight, we're all going up river.

"We made a promise, one we'd always remember..."

Tuesday, November 02, 2004


CRIMINEY! [Jonah Goldberg]

I went out for a brief lunch with missus and I come back to discover things are going south? What the...? From what I'm hearing, Florida's an uphill climb right now and New Hampshire's a lost cause. Trying to nail things down.

Monday, November 01, 2004

Andrew Sullivan calls Kaus out

"It's always pleasant to be dismissed as "excitable". I do react to events instantly and with my emotions as well as my brain. And I reserve the right in blog-time to change my mind. But I have never been so excitable as to have argued last December that Kerry's campaign was so execrably bad that he should withdraw from the race before the Iowa caucuses. Let's roll the tape, shall we?"

Cue Nelson-laugh.

Despair not, part II


Despair not

Check out what republican poll watchers were saying the day before election day in 2000:

The real debate is not who is going to win the election, but whether Bush will win 308 electoral votes or 474 electoral votes... The worst case scenario for a Bush victory will be a 2-3 point win in the popular vote and 10-20% more than the necessary 270 EC votes... George W. Bush has a better chance of carrying New Jersey and Vermont than Al Gore does of becoming the next President of the United States.... On Tuesday night the talking heads will all be abuzz with ... the surprising strength of Ralph Nader... We continue to see a landslide of over 400 electoral votes and a Bush win by 7-10 points."

For the record, Al Gore carried New Jersey and Vermont, and should have been the next President of the United States. Ah well.

Joe Trippi

I really don't intend to turn this into an all "powerline is stupid", all the time blog, but they really crack me up: "Joe Trippi (Is he a blogger? Not that I know of)..."

Well, dumbasses, he does have a blog on and he posts on MSNBC's HardBlogger (probably the bit that got him on the NBC news broadcast), but he became nationally famous pimping Howard Dean's (now part of Dean's during the primaries. Perhaps if you didn't have your heads up Glenn Reynold's ass you might have heard of that one.