The Quipper

Sunday, October 31, 2004

Christopher Hitchens is, as usual, wrong.

I am really tired of hearing Christopher Hitchens talk about "The far left" and "anybody but Bush". Here's a quote: "The amazing thing is the literalness with which the mantra is chanted. Anybody? Including Muqtada al-Sadr? The chilling answer is, quite often, yes. This is nihilism."

Hitchens, eat my ass. Find me a voter who says they'd vote for al-Sadr over Bush and I'll find you someone with a sense of humor. Let me tell you what "anybody but Bush" meant. It was, very simply, a slogan the Democrats used in the primary to reassure each other that nobody was going to go Nader on the rest of the party. It was not a contentious primary after New Hampshire, to be sure, but we all knew that whoever won would have the full backing of the Democratic party.

That is the meaning of Anybody But Bush.

And as someone who knows the failings and missteps of this president with such detail, you should know the truth and importance of that sentiment, that statement against failure.

Since the convention, however, you may have noticed that nobody is saying "anybody but Bush." President Clinton, the most popular ex-president in 50 years, spoke to the largest crowd he had ever addressed in his life. They gathered together in Philadelphia, the birthpace of our great nation, to not see him, but to see the next great Democratic president of the United States, John Kerry. A man of complete integrity, a man of tremendous personal and political strength and courage. As a young man, he faced death in Vietnam. As a young protester, he stood up for truth and honesty, and took the words of those who could not speak them to their own nation they had struggled to defend, and made them be heard. As a young Senator, he took the corruption of Iran-Contra on head-first, when both Democrats and Republicans would not address the scandal head on. When he found a bank funding drugs and terrorism across the globe, he ignored its political connections and brought it down. When no one else would go back to Vietnam, he sat down next to a man who resented his actions 25 years before, and was able to convince him of the justice in what he said. If John McCain can forgive him for speaking against a war while he was a prisoner of it, surely anyone can.

At the same time, he was at the forefront of the Democratic party and the left moving through the last two decades. Was one of three Democrats to vote for a balanced budget in 1985. He voted against the first Iraq war, but saw that the military had moved past its failures in Vietnam. With that experience, he voted for military action in Bosnia, Iraq, Kosovo, Afghanistan and again in Iraq. In the last, he put his faith in a president who has shown himself to be manifestly incapable of holding anyone's sacred faith or trust, shown himself to be unfit for office, and profaned his position far more than the man who proceeded him.

John Kerry will not profane the Oval Office. Had he turned to Iraq in late 2002, he would not have used it as a political tool, as cheap domestic capital. He would not have turned away allies over childish peevishness. He would have been a man. And that is why I am voting for John Kerry. Because he is a man.

And let me take exception to one more thing you say, Mr. Hitchens. "I was asked if I would also say something here about my personal evolution. I took that to mean: How do you like your new right-wing friends? I can only return the question. I prefer them to Pat Buchanan and Vladimir Putin."

Sir, both of those men have endorsed your candidate for President, George W. Bush.

Friday, October 29, 2004


This bin Laden thing buries Bush. "Dead or alive," and 3 years later he's laughing at your posse, man, not good.

120M voters. 53/45/2 Kerry/Bush/Other. 379 EV for Kerry.

(Bush holds TX ID UT MT WY ND SD KS OK IN KY TN MS AL NC SC). He's screwed.

I don't know what's going to happen in the house or senate, it's too crazy. I think we'll knock off Bunning though. Batshit crazy doesn't fly with voters anymore.

Bin Laden Speaks

And really, who the fuck cares what he says? I don't want to play the game, trying to guess what he wants and vote against it. I am voting for what _I_ want, which is this fucker dead or in a cage and then dead, and a President who will accomplish that.

Update: And in case it's unclear, that's not the President who said he wanted Usama "dead or alive." Ok, he's alive -- what have you done about it?

Finally, John Ellis and I agree

On what the Bush administration would be like:

"Here's to four more years of hell."

What an endorsement!

Today's Al-Qaqaa Bullshit

These guys are now accusing themselves of lying...

Matt Drudge says that, within the hour, a soldier will tell reporters at the Pentagon that he was tasked with removing explosives from al Qaqaa and that he and his unit removed more than 200 tons.

Ok, let's assume this actually happens. Here's a few questions.

  1. Doesn't this prove that the Moonie Times story that Drudge and Powerline have been pushing is completely false? Don't they owe us an apology?

  2. Doesn't this mean all the other cover stories, including the aerial photo they released yesterday, are completely bogus?

  3. If this guy showed up on the 13th, why were the bunkers still locked and containing explosives on the 18th?

  4. Who ordered this operation, why didn't anybody in the white house or pentagon know about it before today, and where are the explosives now?

  5. Given the obvious fabrications behind 1 & 2 and the inconsistancy of 3 & 4 with the external record, why should we believe THIS lie?

Thursday, October 28, 2004

60 Minutes

So, apparently Leslie Stahl and 60 Minutes were doing a piece on Saturday Night Live, and had cameras rolling when Ashlee Simpson had her little sync problem.

Is there anything fake these guys DON'T cover?

More Head-In-The-Sand-ness

Hitchens ruminates on whether al-Zarqawi is worse than Hitler, or something.

I don't know, Chris, maybe he wouldn't have such sway if we had TAKEN HIM OUT in 2002.

Powerline gets it WRONG, AGAIN

Typical spin from these guys desparate to ignore the stench of malfeasance coming from the White House.

They describe Keller as "backpedaling furiously" when he acknowledges the minute possibility that the weapons were removed before the US arrived (i.e. the Bush Admin cover story). While still in "forged-documents" mode, the repeat this line from the original story: "White House and Pentagon officials acknowledge that the explosives vanished sometime after the American-led invasion last year."...

That statement was untrue, of course; just one of many in the Times hit piece. Keller's revisionist history shows, I suppose, that the Times knows its coverage of this "story" is indefensible. But don't expect a correction, at least not until after the election.

Are you suggesting that nobody in the Pentagon or White House admitted the obvious -- that this is part of the massive postwar looting effort carried out at weapons and dual-use tools sites ALL OVER IRAQ as documented repeatedly?

And since you're asking for corrections, how about one from you. Because the Minneapolis/Saint Paul ABC affiliate has video from April 18th, 2003 showing the explosives still in Al Qaqaa. (also reported on TAPPED, atrios, etc).

Guys? Any time now, I'm waiting.

Update: Big Media Matt over at TAPPED points out how bad their case is:

[T]he truth about this controversy is hardly unknowable. On John Kerry's side are witnesses, television footage, and officials from the U.S. Army and Iraqi Interim Government. On George W. Bush's side are Bush, Bush's political appointees, and the press aides to Bush's political appointees. It doesn't take a psychic to figure out who's wrong and who's right here.

And Newsweek points out this is the tip of the iceberg of stolen war materiel in Iraq. This isn't bad, this isn't a political problem, this is a national security disaster that we'll be paying for for a decade.

Wednesday, October 27, 2004


Noam Schrieber finds what may be a serious 'abuse' of taxpayer funds...


So, Afghanistan isn't exactly going swimmingly, but it seems to be on a wobbly uphill path, rather than degrading into interminable violence like the president's My Pet War.

On the other hand, like I said, Iraq is totally fucked.

Now, where are France, Germany and the UN involved? Afghanistan. Where are France, Germany and the UN not involved? Iraq.

Where is George W. Bush's (and perhaps more importantly, the entire Cheney/Rumsfeld/Bush team's) anti-Midas touch concentrated? Iraq.

Lucky Afghanistan.

Why Does hate our troops?

BBC reports that it is official policy of the BC04 campaign to block non-US browsers from their website. Including overseas absentee ballot holders, including OUR TROOPS.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004


Where does Glenn find people who haven't even heard of "Vote Or Die"? Dear lord, woman, I'm completely pop culture illiterate and I've still heard of it.

Explosives story

I just received this email from the vast right wing conspiracy. Your faith-based assessment of the situation may need revising:

-- begin

The "cache emptied before US in control of Iraq" cover story is no
longer operative. Please check POWERLINEBLOG for new cover story --
NY TIMES MEMO was forged by known LEFTIST and UN AGITATOR Mohammed El

BC04 ADVISES this cover story is of extremely short half-life and may
not remain operative through Nov 2 04 -- PLEASE CHECK BACK FREQUENTLY

-- end quote.

Monday, October 25, 2004

Sadistic Bastards

And for once, I'm not talking about the Bush Administration (though, see Eric Umansky's comment on the sudden spate of bad news for Bush right before the election.

No, I'm talking about whoever scheduled a major release at work right before Election Day. This'll be my last post until my celebratory post-victory lap Nov 2. So, for the record, here's my prediction: Kerry 330 EV. 51% popular vote.

Friday, October 22, 2004

Creeping Theocracy

Beliefnet has the story (via Sully...)

Oregon Measure 36

Now, I have to say, I'm generally anti-ballot measure. These things were designed as a way to circumvent the legislature when the legislature was too corrupt to implement certain policies -- a last resort, not a way of jamming crappy public policy through with misleading TV ads. However, these arguments in favor of Oregon's Measure 36 (a gay marriage ban) sure have me convinced.

Dan Drezner makes up his mind

What a sane, right-thinking analysis of this election looks like.

Update: from his comments: "Vote Badnarik- at least he knows he's crazy."

Thursday, October 21, 2004

More Bush Corruption

This has been discussed at length, but it's worth pointing out again: The New England chair of Bush-Cheney '04 was known by the campaign to be involved in an electioneering stunt that was a felony, but remained on their payroll until his personal involvement became publicly known. Some integrity.

CIA Coverups

Josh Marshall points out that the CIA is also burying a report on the Niger forgeries, in addition to the 9/11 Report we've previously covered.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Quiver In Fear, Bastards

Atrios has a post about Tom DeLay, with links to a sample protest letter to send to your representative, if that rep has accepted money from DeLay, and to a list of who has accepted money from Tom and how much.

The strategy here is simple. Those who are most loathesome we must turn into a political liability. If accepting money from Tom DeLay means facing constituency fire and negative press at home, Republicans (especially those without extremely safe districts, who coincidentally are the ones who actually NEED the money) won't take it. This erodes his power base in the House.

This tactic needs to be used judiciously, as obviously you can't express this kind of outrage over every single republican representative, senator, or political strategist, but after this election cycle is over I have a suggestion for who should be next on the Distributed Hit List:

Karl Rove.

"Let's Roll"

That's the winning caption from Salon's War Room competition....

CIA Names Names In Hidden 9/11 Report

If Robert Scheer is correct then I guess we know why Porter Goss was in such a rush to get appointed...

Conservative Blogger Call To Arms

Laura Rozen stumbles onto their october surprise....

Suggested MoveOn ad

Clip: Bush says "compassionate conservative."
Freeze frame.
Narrator: "Sound familiar?"
Clip: Bush I says "kinder, gentler America."

Narrator: And they're at it again.

Clip: Bush: "We don't need a draft."
Freeze-frame. Narrator: "Uh-huh?"
Clip: Bush I: "Read my lips."

Krugman On The Draft

Paul Krugman has to be the charter member of the reality-based community. His take on the draft is here.

Saturday, October 16, 2004

The Many Faces Of Jonathan Stewart

The many-splendored Jon Stewart has the honor of entering my home via the airwaves (yes, it's a cable show, but I have satellite so it counts!) 4 days a week (it's Daily!... about half the time) to mock anything and everything that's been in the news. He's exceedingly good at it. Over the last several years (I watched the show even before he took over, and he's been a hell of a lot better than the craphead who used to host it) (and what is up with all these fucking parentheticals?) I've noticed that there are three common faces of Jon. Note, he is capable of infinite variety. But the three that strike me the most are these:

1) That's funny! Often marked by a nasally voice and adjusting the tie, or variation 1a, straight man for on-location reporter mocking on-location reporters.

2) That's sad. Face in hands. Common when discussing the Bush administration.

3) I'm fucking pissed.

Now, I'm lying when I say these three strike me the most, because I've only seen that last one once before, and that was when the asswipe who wrote "The Connection, a National Review-sponsored roundup of the discredited intelligence that got us into this stupidass war in Iraq warmed over and presented with feigned interest". He obviously came looking for some yucks, and Jon (who gave the guy 2 segments) absolutely shredded him, calling him and everything he stands for a disgrace and a travesty and a sham and a mockery, a distraveshamockery.

If you missed it, don't worry, because that Jon is back and he's calling Tucker Carlson a dick.

Friday, October 15, 2004

Drug Reimportation

Here's why I'm for it.

I'm tired of fucking Canadians and Europeans fucking freeloading while we pay higher prices to keep the drug companies profits up and R&D going. Why should we be the only country to get fucked? I say, let's take the canadian drugs until they all have to negotiate a decent price that's more in line with what we pay.

Have you ever wondered....

"Where's a good middle eastern restaurant near Fox News Channel's New York Headquarters?"

The Falafel Factor can tell you!

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Today's Idiocy From The Corner


...If Mrs Edwards is being obtuse, that's nothing compared with the 'senior Kerry aide' also quoted in the story. Kerry's comments were not inappropriate, she said. "The woman is in her thirties. She's public about her sexuality. It was brought up in the last debate. So, what the hell?"

"It was brought up in the last debate." Brought up by whom, I wonder.

BY THE FUCKING MODERATOR, dumbass. Also note: Cheney talked about the issue at a town hall meeting on the stump about a month ago. Mary Cheney is 1) out with a partner for the last 6+ years at least 2) a member of her father's campaign and 3) responsible for GAY OUTREACH FOR THE CAMPAIGN.

And, Mrs. Cheney, why are you so offended now when John Kerry says something nice about you and your daughter but you had nothing to say when a member of your own party called her a "selfish hedonist" during the Republican Convention?


"Lynne and I have a gay daughter, so it's an issue that our family is very familiar with. ... With respect to the question of relationships, my general view is that freedom means freedom for everyone. People ought to be able to free -- ought to be free to enter into any kind of relationship they want to."

Dick Cheney, 25 Aug 2004 (via atrios)

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Kilvert and Forbes....

(to the tune of "Gonads and Strife"?)

I really hate this kind of gotcha question, but it's extra stupid when you haven't done your homework:

You promise to create millions of jobs, but many people who run businesses say that nothing in your life has taught you how much effort, risk and sometimes heartbreak goes into creating one real job. Could you describe your experiences when you last had to meet a payroll, or when your boss had to meet a payroll?

Kilvert And Forbes

Kilvert & Forbes was originally created in 1976 when Quincy Market first opened its doors as the famous food colonnade.

At the time, founder John Kerry was practicing law, which he found to be “quite predictable and very boring”. So this chocolate lover and his friend and business partner K. Dunn Gifford opened the bakery and named it after their mothers, featuring family recipes. In 1982, Lt. Governor Kerry bought his partner’s shares of the business and sold them to Stanley and Linda Klein. A few years later, he sold his own shares to the Kleins. Even though Senator Kerry is no longer at Kilvert & Forbes, we hear that he still loves chocolate!

(also on atrios)

Flow Chart Ad

Bush has a new ad on his website with a really complicated flowchart in which he tells you how horrible the Kerry plan is. Actual Kerry plan. Step 1: You do nothing. Step 2: Your premiums come down. Step 3: if you get incredibly sick, your insurance company doesn't try to bail.

I can't find it now, and it's really pissing me off, but Rep Joe Hoeffel (D-PA) (currently running for PA senate) had an awesome flowchart at one point detailing Bush's medicare prescription drug card plan and the steps users needed to take to find use the benefit. The pictures Bush is showing actually look exactly like that.

More Debate Advice

Hesiod Theogeny has a good suggestion for Kerry tonight as well. Time to stop baiting Bush by distancing him from his father's record and tie it around his neck like the millstone it is.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Equal Opportunity

CLIMATE OF FEAR UPDATE: "Offices that house President Bush's re-election campaign in Spokane were broken into and vandalized last night, the latest in a string of crimes at Republican offices across the country."

Dear Mr. Reynolds: This is a hotly contested election. There have been a lot of problems on all sides.

Coalition Strength

Funny analysis from Al Franken's radio show: Cheney said, "You made the comment that the gulf war coalition in 91 was far stronger than this. We had 34 countries then we have 30 today." 8 of those 30 are former soviet republics, one of the 34 was the USSR, including the Russian Army. Russia is not a member of the coalition of the willing. The Czech Republic sent 200 troops, and the Czech Republic and Slovakia comprise two members, where as Czechoslovakia comprised one member of the coalition then.

More Idiocy from the Corner

Also, it seems to me that Kerry is "conservative" not in any ideological sense and barely in the tempermental sense. His conservatism -- as Andrew seems to be defining it -- is marked by a lack of enthusiasm for making a big fuss about anything. After all he did vote for the war and regime change (under Clinton), he simply objects to the mess caused by actually following through. In the world we are living in, such an attitude is the mark of denial, not conservatism. And, again, modern conservative foreign policy (which, contra Frank Foer, has never been as defined or uniform as conservative domestic policy) has always staked its ground on what is necessary.

That's fucking rediculous. Kerry's position has been, has always been (even before PNAC announced its little "we must destroy the middle east in order to save it" position paper) supportive of confrontation with Saddam Hussein. He's been working on international terror organizations since 1988. And he voted for intervention in 1997 and 2002. The problem is simply that the president has fucked it up. He left weapons depots unprotected. He shortchanged the troops on body armor and troop count. He used easily falsified statements to support the rationale, which turned off our allies and diminished domestic support. He's left nuclear and chemical materials unprotected for the last 18 months.

This invasion is a train wreck, and that's all laid at the feet of the Bush administration. There's no reason to think that Kerry would not have invaded if it were necessary. Though it's hard to tell in hindsight what would have played out over 2002-2003 in a Kerry or Gore administration (though Gore was, interestingly enough, more interested in military intervention in Iraq than Clinton was), but I imagine it would not have resulted in active nuclear weapons programs in Iran and North Korea, and there's no fucking way either one would invade a country over a nuclear and chemical weapons program and then leave the precursors and materials unprotected.

Monday, October 11, 2004


President Bush spends 5 times as much on a suit as future President Kerry! I demand a congressional investigation immediately. Why, his personal tailor has a French name!

Incoherence from The Corner

Rich Lowry thinks Bush did fine in the second debate when answering the question on his mistakes, because he admitted that when, at some point, someone figures out in hindsight what he did wrong, it's his responsibility.

I think he's wrong politically and substantively. Questions like this are common on a job interview, because they reveal thought process and self-reflection. Bush's response, that he hired a couple people who screwed up (read: "it's not my fault") and that it's basically impossible to know now what he did wrong, are both substantively flawed. the first implies a lack of self-responsibility, the second implies he doesn't even stop to think that he might have made mistakes, when it's obvious that nobody including him is perfect. Stopping midstream to make corrections is an important way of keeping mistakes from boiling out of control, but saying that would violate his "flip-flop" narrative, so he doesn't say it. And by all accounts, he doesn't actually do it either.

And The Propoganda Rolls On

Josh Marshall catches the White House using federal funds for campaign propoganda... AGAIN

(google cache of second link)

RNC shoots foot in Washington

The Republican nominee trying to unseat Patty Murray (D-WA) ran an ad claiming Murray supported Osama bin Laden... basically the Saxby Chambliss strategy.

The results? Murray extended her lead from 3 pts to 19pts.

Bush Employs More Criminals

Josh Marshall points out that Jim Tobin, New England regional chairman of the BC04 campaign, was involved in illegal activities during the 2002 senate campaign.

Wingnuttery Review

Laura Rozen has a piece in Sunday's Boston Globe about what a waste of human flesh Michael Ledeen is.

via Big Media Matt

Saturday, October 09, 2004

Loony Leftist

I'm not really into the crazed anti-militarist stuff, but this video is well-put together, if nothing else.

More Tim Ryan

Now available in quicktime....

Fox Pussies

Media Matters finds out that a private jet isn't good enough for coddled pretty-boy Sean Hannity to show up for a speech in front of a student group.

Friday, October 08, 2004

Hitch would like you to know

That alcoholism hasn't completely destroyed his brain, YET.

Mickey is confused

Mickey wants to know [heading: "Kausfiles is stupid!"] why we can't pretend that Saddam was a clear and present danger because he was pretending to be dangerous.

Oh, I don't know, Mickey, perhaps a better model for this invasion would be a guy walking into a bank with his finger pointing out through his coat pocket. After the security guard pops the guy in the back of the head and is in the middle of frisking him for weapons when Bush walks in, orders the security guard to the floor, and guns down half the people in the bank.

Besides, isn't going to war just because he said he had weapons "trusting the words of a madman"?

Thursday, October 07, 2004

The Global Test

Atrios is on the case.

You can't make this stuff up

Josh Marshall sez:

You can't make this stuff up.

Or, rather, I guess you can make this stuff. Since they are making it up.

Mr. Kerry, try this one on: "We invaded Iraq to stop BRIBERY? Sure glad we nipped that in the bud."

It's Hard Work

Can you answer Bush's question?

(via archpundit)

Rep. Tim Ryan (D-OH)

My New Hero... Click the first speech on this page (the one about re-instituting the draft).

(originally seen on the gadflyer)

Squash DeLay

The Stakeholder has the goods. I think the fact that he's still House Majority leader just demonstrates the complete moral bankrupty of the Democratic Party. (And I'm not just being snarky!)

Update: And he's more delusional than CHENEY! Wow, I didn't think that was possible.

Watch The Strategy Change

New Donkey figures out where Bush is going next. Not a surprise if you're familiar with Bush Crime Family History.

Update: heh.

Preventative Spin

The Republicans will probably trot out their usual smear that Democrats are "cheering bad news" in Iraq as people talk about rocket attacks on the Green Zone.

Mr. Bush, if Democrats liked bad news, we'd be endorsing you for president. We're mad about bad news, that's why we want you out.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

The Hunt Is On!

Did Dick say anything that was true?


What's your reason?

Bush Is An Asshole

Counterspin finds out why Chirac turned on Bush, and the evidence ain't pretty.


One thing I'm didn't hear once all last night even on MSNBC when they were calling him a human chainsaw -- "Gravitas". I wonder why they're not saying that? Maybe because the audience LAUGHED at him last night? Not much gravitas when an audience that didn't even laugh at Bush laughed at you, Mr. Vice President.

I Guess It's Habitual

Atrios catches Mr. Cheney lying, as usual, in his signature line of the debate. Classic. And he forgot poland!

Update: Another lie.
Update: The Washington Post does further fact-checking.
Update: MyDD did some work with the Congressional Record and found in his post Cheney's Senate Attendance Record that Cheney was greatly absent from the Senate on Tuesdays and Edwards filled in for him as acting President for the Senate the same number of times Cheney himself fulfilled the role. (Post brought forward to emphasize point)

Meals On Wheels?

James Wolcott gets to the bottom of the left's nefarious scheme.

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

I want one

Apparently Josh Marshall now comes with a Secret Decoder Ring... Any suggestions for other entries?

Republican Whiners And Victims, Inc

Salon has the goods:

The Kerry-Edwards camp announced its list of surrogates and spinners for tonight's debate earlier today. Among them: Sen. Patrick Leahy.... You may remember the event: Cheney and Leahy got to talking, Leahy mentioned a company called Halliburton, and Cheney told Leahy to "fuck himself."

Sources in the Kerry-Edwards campaign told us that the Republicans have lodged a complaint...

Just a few minutes ago, the Democratic National Committee distributed Halliburton hospitality bags to the press corps. The contents included a small box of Tide -- a reminder of how a Halliburton subsidiary charged the military $100 for a 15-pound bag of laundry -- and "your very own no-bid contract."

Political Reporters Suck

Can't they all be winners?

Apropos of nothing, isn't it incredibly hypocritical to be "against the mainstream media" but support an administration whose FCC and FTC have endorsed the nonstop media consolidation that has given us this incestuous circle o' crap? I say: Yes! Conservative bloggers: Still morons.

Libertarians think Bush Is Incompetant

How else can you explain this bit from archpundit?

And he's running a contest. Submit your entries today!

Bush Mocks Our Allies Intelligence.

Noam Schreiber figures it out.

I mean, could this administration have been any more insulting to our allies?

Is Bush Really Religious?

He never goes to church. I think this is a serious character issue.

Andrew Sullivan

He takes a moment out from talking about how the bush administration is a miserable failure in every aspect even though the only thing that's changed is that they now have publicly said he should be a second class citizen and he endorsed all their prior policies to say Dick Cheney is going to crush Edwards like a bug tonight.

Andrew, I'm so worried that Cheney is going to demolish John Jr. that Edwards managing not to cry would be a victory for him tonight.

Another Republican Liar and Fraudulant Victim

Actual quotes from the woman who claimed she was being victimized simply for hanging a picture of Bush 43:

I "glad they were not old enough to vote." ... "you should be ashamed to be a Democrat".

Digby's got the goods.

Glenn doesn't know black people exist

How else can you explain this?

What's wrong with Ledeen?

Matt Yglesias again ponders whether or not Ledeen is an Iranian agent. Sure seems hard to come up with an alternate hypothesis for his behavior.

Ah, the liars

Brad DeLong wants to know why drug companies lie so much.

Is it psychological, like it is with this administration?

I guess we know

The same people who believe that Michael Moore is randomly firing bullets through windows apparently still believe that Saddam was behind 9/11.

This administration is like a bad parody of The X Files.


Two stray bullets hit an office belonging to the Bush-Cheney campaign. Instapundit's explanation: "I blame Michael Moore."

I can't even parody this. When did these people go so insane?

Update: heh.

Veep Debate Tonight

"You know the real reason they're sitting down, don't you? So that you can not see Dick Cheney's cloven hooves."

Welcome to the Quipper

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